Mark Thomas Lynn, an Irish-born entrepreneur based in Los Angeles and NYC. Embarking on his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 17, Mark has weathered a series of challenges, acknowledging "epic screw-ups and failures" alongside a handful of successes.
His focus lies at the intersection of technology and commerce. Mark serves as the Founder and CEO of AMASS Brands Group, a diversified beverage company catering to the next generation of health-conscious consumers. The company boasts premium brands such as AMASS Botanics, Gem & Bolt Mezcal, Summer Water Rose, Wknd Cocktail Co, Folly of the Beast Pinot Noir, and Chop Shop Cabernet. Additionally, ABG owns the Natural Merchants Portfolio of natural, organic, and biodynamic wines.
Mark's leadership extends to other ventures as well. He was the founding CEO of De Soi, a brand that crafts sparkling non-alcoholic apéritifs with natural adaptogens, co-founded by Katy Perry and Morgan McLachlan.
Among his notable achievements, Mark was a co-founder of Winc, one of the fastest-growing direct-to-consumer wine companies in America (NYSE: WBEV). He also holds positions on the boards of Vital Card, a credit card rewarding responsible spending, and Voyage Mobile, an SMS marketing API and campaign manager for E-Commerce brands.
Mark's diverse portfolio includes previous partnerships or ownership in hotels (Jet Hotel), nightlife ventures (Jet Bar, Jet South, Wicked Garden), real estate development (1200 Delaware, Spire), restaurants (Pizza Republica), payments (Banctek), SaaS (, sold to 212 Media), and sports leagues (Denver Sport and Social, sold to SportsMonster).
Connect with Mark @markthomaslynn and explore the dynamic intersections of his entrepreneurial endeavors.